The go-to place in downtown Farmington!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Meet Jesse

Upon entering The Homestead, you may have been greeted by the smiling face of Jesse Williams, one of our hosts. 

Born in Farmington, raised mostly in Auburn, he is 22 years old and recently graduated from UMF as a psychology major. He has plans to eventually join the peace corps, as well as go to grad school in the hopes of becoming a psychology professor. 

And here's a fun fact: he and Rebecca, to whom you were introduced in last week, are cousins! 
Getting to know him... 

What is your favorite Homestead meal? 
"I've really been enjoying the new vegan quinoa burger that Chef Nick makes. It's really delicious, plus it's actually really healthy. 

What are your hobbies?
"I motorcycle, fix up houses, and I love to run."

What is your favorite part about working at the Homestead? 
"I like being busy and constantly on my feet, doing things- plus it's fun to get to talk to people."

What is your favorite Homestead drink? 
"I love the Maine Mule, which is made of whiskey, crushed fruit and Maine root ginger brew, The bartender, Kaitlyn, makes a killer one. Beth also makes a great one, so you can't go wrong!" 

What is your specials talent?
"I am a competitive ski racer; I raced in high school and college."